1. Biodiversity and Conservation


 NCERT Questions:


  1. Multiple choice questions:


(i) Conservation of biodiversity is important for:

a) Animals

b) Animals and plants

c) Plants

d) All Organisms

Ans. d) All Organisms


(ii) Threatened species are those which:

a) Threaten others

b) Lion and Tiger

c) Are abundant in number

d) Are suffering from the danger of extinction

Ans. d) Are suffering from the danger of extinction


(iii) National parks and sanctuaries are established for the purpose of:

a) Recreation

b) Hunting

c) Pets

d) Conservation

Ans. d) Conservation


(iv) Biodiversity is richer in:

a) Tropical regions

b) Polar regions

c) Temperate regions

d) Oceans

Ans. a) Tropical regions


(v) In which one of the following countries the Earth Summit was held:

a) UK

b) Mexico

c) Brazil

d) China

Ans. c) Brazil


  1. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.


(i) What is biodiversity?


a) Biodiversity itself is a combination of two words bio (life) and diversity (variety). In simple words, biodiversity is the number and variety of organisms found within a specified or geographic region.

b) It refers to the varieties of plants and animals and micro-organisms the jeans they contain and the ecosystems they form.

c) It relates to the variability among living organisms on the earth, including the variability within and between the species and that within and between the ecosystems.


(ii) What are the different levels of biodiversity?

Ans. Biodiversity itself is a combination of two words, bio (life) and diversity (variety). In simple words, biodiversity is the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region, it is result of hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary history. Biodiversity can be discussed at three levels:

a) Genetic diversity

b) Species diversity

c) Ecosystem diversity

Genetic diversity: Genetic diversity refers to the variation of genes within species.

Species diversity: Species diversity refers to the variety of species. It relates to the number of species in a defined area. The diversity of species can be measured through its richness, abundance and types.

Ecosystem diversity: The broad difference is between ecosystem types and the diversity of habitats and ecological processes occurring within each ecosystem type constitute the ecosystem diversity.


(iii) What do you understand by hotspots?

Ans. Some areas are richer in species than others. Areas rich in species diversity are called hotspots of diversity. Hotspots are defined according to their vegetation. Plants are important because these determine the primary productivity of an ecosystem. Most, but not all, of the hotspots rely on species rich ecosystems for food, firewood, cropland and income from timber. In Madagascar, for example, about 85% of the plants and animals are found nowhere else in the world.


(iv) Discuss briefly the importance of animals to human kind.

Ans. The Earth, its ecosystems, and its creatures are all deeply connected. Thus the existence of many species depends on the survival of others and human beings are not in exception. As disconnected from nature as many of us humans have become. There are many animals we rely on for our benefit and wellbeing. Many animals actually help people just by performing their natural roles in their environment. And we are benefiting from their services for free.


(v) What do you understand by exotic species?

Ans. Exotic species are organisms that are introduced to a region or ecosystem, often unintentionally through human migration or trade. Some exotic species are useful to man, such as horses, goats, pigs and edible plants, including wheat, oats, coffee and tea.


  1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words:


(i) What are the roles played by biodiversity in shaping of nature?

Ans. Species of many kinds perform some function or the other in an ecosystem.  Nothing in an ecosystem evolves and sustains without any reason. It implies that every organism, besides extracting its needs, also contributes something of useful to other organisms. Human beings contribute a great deal to the sustenance of ecosystems.

a) Species capture and store energy, produce and decompose. Organic materials help to cycle water and nutrients throughout the ecosystem, fix atmospheric gases and help regulate the climate. These functions are important for ecosystem function and human survival.

b) The more diverse an ecosystem better are the chances for the species to survive through adversities and attacks. And consequently is more productive.

c) Hence, the loss of species would decrease the ability of the system to maintain itself. Just like a species with a high genetic diversity and ecosystem with high biodiversity may have a greater chance of adapting to environmental change. In other words, the more the variety of species in an ecosystem, the more stable the ecosystem is likely to be.


(ii) What are the major factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity? What steps are needed to prevent them?

Ans. Major causes for loss of biodiversity are as follows:

a) Since the last few decades, growth in human population has increased the rate of consumption of natural resources. It has accelerated the loss of species and habitation in different parts of the world.

b) Over exploitation of resources and deforestation has become rampant to fulfil the needs of large population.

c) As these tropical rainforests contain 50% of the species of the Earth destruction of natural habitats have proved disastrous for the entire biosphere.

d) Natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, droughts etc. cause damage to the flora and fauna on the earth bringing changes to the biodiversity of respective effective regions.

e) Pesticides and other pollutants such as hydrocarbons and toxic heavy metals destroy the weak and sensitive species.

Conservation strategy has suggested the following steps for biodiversity conservation:

i) Efforts should be made to preserve the species that are endangered.

ii) Prevention of extinction requires proper planning and management.

iii) Varieties of food crops forage plants, timber trees, live stocks, animals and their wild relatives should be preserved.

iv) Each country should identify habitats of wild relatives and ensure their protection.

v) Habitats where species feed, breed, rest and nurse their young ones should be safeguarded and protected.

vi) International trade in wild plants and animals should be regulated.


Question bank:


Multiple choice questions:


  1. Endangered species are listed under the category of:

a) Yellow list

b) Green list

c) Blue list

d) Red list

Ans. d) Red List

The International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has published list under this the endangered species are listed under the category of Red List. IUCN publishes information about endangered species worldwide.


  1. One important part of biodiversity is:

a) Cultural diversity

b) Human diversity

c) Land diversity

d) Crop diversity

Ans. d) Crop diversity

Crop diversity is the important part of biodiversity which is also known as agro-biodiversity.


  1. Species which are not the natural inhabitants of the local habitat but are introduced in the system are called:

a) Rare species

b) Endangered species

c) Vulnerable species

d) Exotic species

Ans. d) Exotic species

Exotic species are not the natural inhabitants of the local habitat but are introduced in the system. Sometimes natural biotic community may suffer because of introduction of exotic species.


  1. The percentages of species that are contained by tropical rain forest are:

a) 50%

b) 60%

c) 40%

d) 10%

Ans. a) 50%

The tropical rain forests contain 50% of the species. Tropical regions occupy about ¼ of the total area of the earth and contain about 3/4th of the world human population. As these tropical rainforest contain 50% of the species on the earth the destruction of the natural habitats has proved disaster for the entire biosphere.


  1. Growth in human population has increased the rate of:

a) Death per year

b) Research of new species

c) Consumption of natural resources

d) Conservation of natural resources

Ans. c) Consumption of natural resources

Since last few decades, growth in human population has increased the rate of consumption of natural resources. It has accelerated the loss of species and habitation in different parts of the world.


  1. Species that are confined to elevated areas or thinly scattered over a wider area are:

a) Rare species

b) Exotic species

c) Endangered species

d) Vulnerable species

Ans. a) Rare species

Rare species are confined to limited area or thinly scattered over a wider area


  1. The continent without native vegetation is:

a) Australia

b) Antarctica

c) North America

d) South America

Ans. b) Antarctica

Due to its successful harsh climate, there are no native resident plants or animals at the South Pole.


  1. Basic building blocks of various life forms are the:

a) Genes

b) Nutrients

c) Micro-organism

d) Physical characteristics

Ans. a) Genes

Genetic biodiversity refers to the variation of genes within species. Genes are the basic building blocks of various life forms.


  1. Humboldt decurrens bedd is a highly rare and dynamic tree of:

a) Eastern Ghats

b) Western Ghats

c) Aravali

d) Shivaliks

Ans. b) Western Ghats

Humboldt decurrens bedd is found only in India in the southern part of the Western Ghats ranging from the Anamalai hills to the Travancore range. It is highly rare endemic tree of Southern Western Ghats of India.


  1. In a more diverse ecosystem:

a) Resources are limited

b) It is easy to survive

c) Survival is very difficult

d) There is a conflict of resources

Ans. b) It is easy to survive in a more diverse ecosystem.


  1. The Government of India passed the wildlife protection act in the year:

a) 1970

b) 1971

c) 1972

d) 1973

Ans. c) 1972

The Government of India passed the wildlife protection act in the year 1972 it was established to preserve, protect and propagate the variety of species within natural boundaries.


  1. Ecosystem with high biodiversity has:

a) Less chance to adaptation

b) Threaten human beings own existence

c) Size of ecosystem with no relation to adaptation

d) Great chance to adaptation to environmental change

Ans. d) Great chance to adaptation to environmental change

An ecosystem with higher biodiversity has a great chance to adaptation to environmental change.


  1. In which of the following countries the ‘Earth Summit’ was held:

a) UK

b) China

c) Brazil

d) Mexico

Ans. c) Brazil

The first International Earth Summit was held in Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It brought together the members of the international community to discuss important issues related to environmental protection and socio-economic development. Members of almost 178 countries were present for the summit.


  1. Biodiversity is rich in:

a) Oceans

b) Polar regions

c) Tropical regions

d) Temperate regions

Ans. c) Tropical Regions

The tropical regions have the richest biodiversity.


  1. Threatened species are:

a) That who eat others

b) Threaten others

c) Are abundant in number

d) Are suffering from the danger of extinction

Ans. d) Are suffering from danger of extinction

Threatened species are those which are suffering from the danger of extinction.


  1. Conservation of biodiversity is important for:

a) Animals

b) Plants

c) Animals and plants

d) All organisms

Ans. d) All Organisms

Conservation of biodiversity is important for all the organisms



  1. The percentage of the plants species is found nowhere else in the world except Madagascar:

a) 60%

b) 70%

c) 80%

d) 90%

Ans. c) 80%

More than 80% of Madagascar’s 14,883 plant species is found nowhere else in the world, including 5 plant families.


  1. Which of the following is not a step suggested for biodiversity conservation?

a) Research for new species

b) Efforts should be made to save the endangered species

c) International trade in wild plants and animals should be regulated

d) Each country should identify habitats of wildlife and ensure their protection

Ans. a) Research for news species

Research for news species is a step not suggested for biodiversity conservation


  1. How many nations have signed the conservation of biodiversity at the ‘Earth Summit’ in 1992

a) 15o

b) 156

c) 168

d) 62

Ans. c) 168

168 nations have signed the conservation of biodiversity at ‘The Earth Summit’ in 1992.

The Convention was opened for signature on 5th June 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio ‘Earth Summit’).  It remained open for signature until 4th June 1993, by which time it received 168 signatures.


  1. Red panda is a:

a) Rare species

b) Exotic species

c) Vulnerable species

d) Endangered species

Ans. d) Endangered species

Red panda is an endangered species. It is one of those species which are in the danger of extinction.


21.The tropical rainforest contain ___% of species on the earth

a) 60

b) 50

c) 40

d) 70

Ans. b) 50%.


  1. Convention of biodiversity at the earth summit held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was held in:

a) 1991

b) 1992

c) 1994

d) 1993

Ans. b) 1992

Convention of biodiversity at the ‘Earth Summit’ at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was held in 1992.


  1. Genetic diversity refers to:

a) Variation of species

b) Variation of genes within species

c) Variation in forms of species

d) Variation in plant species

Ans. b) Variation of genes within species

Variation of genes within species is referred to as genetic biodiversity. This diversity is essential for the healthy breeding of population species.


  1. Hotspot of diversity means:

a) Area that lack in species

b) Area that is rich in species

c) Variability of species

d) Diversity of plants

Ans. b) Area that is rich in species

Hotspots of diversity mean areas that are rich in species.


  1. From the following which one is not a level, at which biodiversity is studied:

a) Genetic diversity

b) Species diversity

c) Ecosystem diversity

d) Applied diversity

Ans. d) Applied diversity

Applied diversity is not a level at which biodiversity is studied.


  1. Biodiversity is:

a) Variety of vegetation

b) Variety of life

c) Variety of biomes

d) Variety of animals

Ans. b) Variety of life

Variety of life biodiversity is a variety of life.


  1. Biodiversity:

a) Follows no definite pattern

b) Decreases from the equator towards the poles

c) Increases from the equator towards the poles

d) At the poles biodiversity is the highest

Ans. b) Decreases from the equator towards the poles

Biodiversity decreases from the equator towards the poles.


  1. Biodiversity is important for:

a) Development

b) Animal existence

c) Plant existence

d) Human existence

Ans. d) Human existence

Biodiversity is important for human existence.


  1. Reservoir of resources is the name given to:

a) Biogas

b) Biomes

c) Biodiversity

d) Biomass

Ans. c) Biodiversity

Reservoir of resources is the name given to biodiversity.


  1. National parks and sanctuaries are established for the purpose of:

a) Pets

b) Domestic animals

c) Cattle

d) Wildlife

Ans. d) Wildlife

National parks and sanctuaries are established for the purpose of developing safe zone or habitats for wildlife. These are closely protected by the forest officials and help in the conservation of wildlife. They do protect the ecosystem and natural beauty and environment of the area also.


  1. An important part of biodiversity is:

a) Chemical biodiversity

b) Land diversity

c) Crop diversity

d) Cultural diversity

Ans. c) Crop diversity

One important part of biodiversity is crop diversity, which is also called agro-biodiversity. Different types of crops are cultivated for the use of food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.


  1. Biodiversity has contributed in the development of:

a) Human population

b) Human culture

c) Environment

d) Technology

Ans. b) Human culture

Biodiversity has contributed in many ways to the development of human culture and, in turn human communities have played a major role in shaping the diversity of nature at the genetic, species and ecological levels.


  1. The diversity of species can be measured through its:

a) Habitat

b) Population

c) Colours

d) Types

Ans. d) Types

Species diversity refers to the variety of species. It relates to the number of species in a defined area. The diversity of species can be measured through its richness, abundance and types.


  1. Reservoir of resources is the name given to:

a) Biomes

b) Biomass

c) Biodiversity

d) Boundaries

Ans. c) Biodiversity

Biodiversity is seen as it is a reservoir of resources to be drawn upon for the manufacture of food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products.


  1. In a more diverse ecosystem:

a) It is easy to survive

b) Survival is very difficult

c) Resources are scars

d) Species are less

Ans. a) It is easy to survive

Biodiversity itself is a combination of two words, bio (life) and diversity (variety). In simple terms, biodiversity is the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region. It refers to the varieties of plants, animals and microorganisms.


Short answer type questions:


  1. What is conservation in respect to biodiversity?

Ans. To protect and maintain the biotic species for the future is known as conservation.


  1. What are herbivorous?

Ans. Herbivorous are those animals that depend upon plants and grass for food, such as dear, elephants, horses etc.


  1. What can human do for the future generations?

Ans. Human can do a lot for future generations by making the best use of natural resources without endangering the needs of the future generation.


  1. What is the outcome of mechanization and industrialization on agriculture?

Ans. Mechanisation and industrialisation of agriculture has created enormous grain surplus.


  1. What do you understand by the term ‘Genetic Biodiversity’?

Ans. Groups of individuals’ organisms having certain similarities in their physical characteristics are called species and genetic biodiversity refers to the variation of genes within species.


  1. What do you understand by biodiversity?

Ans. Biodiversity itself is a combination of two words, bio (life) and diversity (variety). In simple terms, biodiversity is the number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region. It refers to the varieties of plants, animals and microorganisms.


  1. What is a mega diverse country?

Ans. The mega diverse countries are a group of countries that harbour the majority of the earth species and are therefore considered extremely bio diverse. Australia, Brazil, China, Columbia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, India, Indonesia Madagascar, Malaysia Mexico Papua New Guinea, etc. are classified as mega diverse countries.


  1. What are the different types of biodiversity?

Ans. There are three types of biodiversity

a) Genetic biodiversity

b) Ecosystem biodiversity

c) Species biodiversity


  1. What do you mean by the wildlife sanctuary?

Ans. Wildlife sanctuary is a reserved area meant for preservation and development of endangered species. In India wildlife sanctuaries are home to around 2000 different species of birds, 3500 species of mammals and nearly 30,000 different kinds of insects and more than 15,000 varieties of plants. Travellers from all across the globe come to India to look at its rich wildlife and natural vegetation.


  1. What are carnivorous plants?

Ans. Carnivorous plants (sometimes called insectivorous plants) are those plants that derive some or most of their nutrients but not energy from trapping and consuming animals or protozoan, typically insects and other arthropods.


  1. How is diversity among species measured?

Ans. Diversity among species can be measured through their richness abundance and types.

Animals play an important role in the life of mankind as they:

a) Produce and decompose organic materials

b) Help to cycle water and nutrients around the ecosystem

c) Fix atmospheric gases and help in regulating the climate


  1. What do you understand by the term biodiversity?

Ans. Biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome or for the entire earth. Biodiversity is often used as a major of the health of biological systems. The biodiversity found on earth today consists of many billions of distinct biological species, which is the project of nearly 3.5 billion years of evolution.

Geographers most often define ‘biological diversity’ or ‘biodiversity’ as the totality of genes, species and ecosystems of a region and advantage of this definition is that it seems to describe most circumstances at present a unified view of the traditional three levels at which biological variety has been identified:

a) Genetic diversity

b) Species diversity

c) Ecosystem diversity


  1. Explain the economic importance of biodiversity?

Ans. Economic benefit of biodiversity has contributed in many ways to the development of human culture. For all humans, biodiversity is an important resource in their day to day life. One important part of biodiversity is crop diversity also named as agro biodiversity. Some of the important economic commodities that biodiversity supplies to humankind are food crops, livestock, forestry, fish, medicinal resources etc.


  1. What changes have taken place after the launch of project tiger?

Ans. The project tiger was launched in 1973, and has succeeded in increasing the tiger population. After this success, several steps were taken to protect other species. The Government of India passed the wildlife protection act, 1972, under which national parks and sanctuaries were created. There are 66 national parks and 368 sanctuaries in India. Steps have also been taken for conservation of biodiversity at the earth summit in 1992.


  1. How have humans influenced the distribution of earth’s biotic stocks?

Ans. Humans have directly or indirectly influenced the distribution of earth’s biotic stock pattern. It is the outcome of growing population and its requirement for food and shelter. Human demands for resources have resulted in the death of some species and survival of others. The early humans’ lifestyle was a successful adaptation to the call of nature but with advancement and technology of the time, man has disturbed the distribution of earth’s biotic stock.


  1. 16. Distinguish between genetic diversity and species diversity.


Genetic DiversitySpecies Diversity
Genetic biodiversity refers to the variation in genes within species.

Genetic diversity is essential for a healthy breeding of population of species.

Groups of individuals’ organisms having certain similarities in their physical characteristics are called species.


  1. Distinguish between national parks and sanctuaries:


National ParksWild life Sanctuaries
a)     National parks are meant for protection of both flora and fauna

b)     Forest products are not harvested

c)     Private ownership is not permitted

d)     Boundary is well demarcated

e)     Cultivation of land is not permitted

f)     Grazing of animal is not allowed

 a)     Sanctuaries are made for protection of only fauna

b)     Forest products are harvested

c)     Private ownership is permitted

d)     Boundary is not well demarcated

e)     Cultivation of land is permitted

f)     Grazing is allowed


  1. What is the ecological importance of biodiversity?

Ans. Each organism is ecologically important in biodiversity because of the following reasons:

a) Contributes something useful for the other organisms, besides extracting their own needs

b) Helps to cycle water and nutrients throughout the ecosystem

c) Fixes atmospheric gases and helps in regulating the climate

d) Greater chance of adapting to environmental changes in an ecosystem with high biodiversity.

e) Captures and stores energy

f) Produce and decompose organic materials


  1. What do you mean by conservation of biodiversity?

Ans. Conservation of biodiversity refers to protecting the species and preventing rare ones from extinction.

The goal of conservation strategy must be to ensure that evolution continues. Allowing natural forces to maintain an evolve species. This will maintain gene pools and retained generic traits that may prove valuable in the future.


  1. Why is conservation of biodiversity important?

Ans. Conservation of biodiversity is important as all forms of life are closely interlinked with each other as a result of which disturbance in one gives rise to imbalance in others. Moreover they provide food security, health and climate mitigation to people. Thus, if species of plants and animals become endangered, they will cause degradation in the environment; this in turn may threaten human existence.


  1. How has human disturbed biodiversity?

Ans. Since last 50 years, 50% to 90% of the world’s land area has been impacted significantly by human activities. This will most likely result in a substantial increase in the environmental problems, related to biodiversity.

Influence of human diversity can be seen by the following ways:

Agriculture; has a significant effect on biodiversity because of its prevalence over the landscape

Loss of habitat; of species loss of native habitat due to farming has been significant. We have lost more than 85% of short grass prairies 80% of mixed grass prairie, and almost all our native tall grass prairies.

Urbanization; due to urbanization population needs more space to live in urban areas. The increasing need of land for the population is leading to a rapid decrease of the biodiversity in the world.

Manufacturing; industries are playing an important role in the loss of biodiversity. As these industries are based directly on the natural resources and most of them are lacking in technology to make full use of raw materials.

Globalization; the proliferation of international trade treaties in the last few decades has led to an increase in the global movement of goods. While globalization itself is not directly detrimental to the environment, certain aspects of increased transportation particularly oceanic shipping traffic have placed a strain on natural system. By facilitating the immigration of species to new habitats introducing pollutants into aquatic ecosystems and altering and destroying coastal habitats biodiversity has been greatly affected. The great impact of globalization has been the introduction of exotic species to native habitats.


  1. Write a note on the hotspot of biodiversity in the world. Give examples.

Ans. ‘Hotspots of biodiversity’ are biologically rich areas with high diversity and a large percentage of endemic species which are threatened by destruction. For example 20% of the world’s plants are found on 0.5% of the Earth’s surface. All these areas have high diversity and many are threatened by human activities:

The major biodiversity hotspots of the world are:

a) That Tropical Andes (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia)

b) Central American Highland Forest

c) Atlantic Forest Brazil

d) Upper Guinean Forests

e) Eastern Arc Mountains Tanzania

f) Eastern Madagascar

g) The Philippines

h) The Western Ghats of India

i) Eastern Himalayas

j) Peninsular Malaysia

k) Sinharaja Forest, Sri Lanka


  1. What are the major factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity? What steps are needed to prevent them?

Ans. There are various factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity in the world few of the major factors are:

a) Increase in population

b) Deforestation

c) Over exploitation of natural resources

d) Destruction of natural habitat

e) Natural disasters such as earthquakes floods etc.

f) Environment pollutions

g) Hunting


  1. Following steps should be taken to prevent the loss of biodiversity:


a) Proper planning and management should be undertaken to stop extinction of species

b) Afforestation

c) Check of over exploitation

d) Hunting must be restricted

e) International trade in wild animals should be regulated

f) Population should be controlled

g) Environment should be pollution free



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