5 Primary Activities
NCERT Questions:
- Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below:
(i) Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?
a) Coffee
b) Sugar cane
c) Wheat
d) Rubber
Ans. c) Wheat
(ii) In which one of the following countries cooperative farming was the most successful experiment?
a) Russia
b) Denmark
c) India
d) Netherlands
Ans. b) Denmark
(iii) Growing of flowers is called:
a) Truck farming
b) Factory farming
c) Mix farming
d) Floriculture
Ans. d) Floriculture
(iv) Which one of the following types of cultivation was developed by European colonists?
a) Kolkoz
b) Viticulture
c) Mixed farming
d) Plantation
Ans. d) Plantation
(v) In which one of the following regions is extensive commercial grain cultivation not practiced?
a) American, Canadian Prairies
b) European Steppes
c) Pampas of Argentina
d) Amazon Basin
Ans. d) Amazon Basin
(vi) In which one of the following types of agriculture is farming of citrus fruit very important?
a) Market Gardening
b) Mediterranean Agriculture
c) Plantation Agriculture
d) Cooperative Farming
Ans. b) Mediterranean Agriculture
(vii) Which type of agriculture amongst the following is also called slash and burn agriculture?
a) Extensive subsistence farming
b) Primitive subsistence farming
c) Extensive commercial grain cultivation
d) Mixed farming
Ans. b) Primitive subsistence farming
(viii) Which one of the following does not follow monoculture?
a) Dairy farming
b) Mixed farming
c) Plantation agriculture
d) Commercial grain farming
Ans. b) Mixed farming
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words:
(i) Future of shifting cultivation is bleak. Discuss.
Ans. These days, the biggest problem being faced by the shifting cultivators is of shortening cycles of jhum, which makes the entire practice unsustainable:
a) Also, there are several restrictions imposed by governments through Forest Acts, etc. which hinder the free movement of tribes and practice of shifting cultivation.
b) Shifting cultivation is sustainable only for self-consumption in nature, hence it is unable to meet with the market demand and therefore there is no scope for it in the increasing globalised markets.
c) With the infiltration of nontribal in the tribal areas, tribes are adopting to modern agriculture practices which are more productive and environmentally sustainable.
d) To support a small population, a huge land resource base is required. Ultimately, it leads to soil erosion and land degradation.
(ii) Market gardening is practiced near urban areas. Why?
a) Market gardening specialises in the cultivation of high value perishable crops such as vegetables, fruits and flowers, solely for the urban markets.
b) They are suited close to urban markets mainly because of the high value crops.
c) The crops are costly hence they need to be situated close to a market where people have high purchasing power and also demand for high valued crops. In such a situation, urban areas are the perfect markets.
These crops are perishable in nature; hence farms cannot be situated far away from the main market. Therefore, farms are situated close to the urban markets so as to prevent crops from getting stale.
(iii) Large scale dairy farming is the result of the development of transportation and refrigeration.
Ans. Dairy products are highly perishable in nature. They have a very small shelf life. For their supply to overseas and distant markets, adequate shortage facilities and regulated temperature and short storage conditions are essential. Initially, supply of dairy products was limited to nearby markets, but development of storage, preservation and transportation facilities have widened their coverage.
Modern transportation such as refrigerated trucks ships with special cargos and faster means of transportation like airways provided with adequate facilities which allow transportation of dairy products to far off markets without spoilage. Refrigeration prevents dairy products from getting spoiled. It increases their durability. Hence dairy products can be sold over far off places.
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words:
(i) Differentiate between nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing.
Nomadic herding | Commercial livestock rearing |
a) Primarily a subsistence activity in which herders rely on animals for their need of food, clothes, transportation etc. b) It is a primitive subsistence activity; with no modern technological support. c) Multiple animals are kept depending upon the region. d) Herders keep on moving with animals from one place to another according to availability of pressure and water. They also practice transhumance. e) The area of a drive is decided by matter of tradition. f) Generally related to nomadic tribes.
g) Little or no capital is utilised.
| a) Commercial livestock rearing is a modern practice of rearing animals for export of animal products. b) It is a modern scientific market oriented activity and highly mechanised. c) Single type of animal is reared.
d) It is carried out on huge permanent ranches which are scientifically managed parcels.
e) Associated with Western developed countries. f) High capital intake is spent on caring, feeding and breeding of animals. g) It is market oriented activity where animals like horse; sheep are reared to obtain products like meat hide etc. for sales in national as well as international markets. |
(ii) Discuss the important characteristic features of plantation agriculture. Name a few important plantation crops from different countries.
Ans. Originally introduced by the European in colonies situated in the tropics, plantation agriculture is distinct from other kinds of agricultural practices because of its specific features:
a) Profit and market oriented large scale production system
b) Large estates of plantations
c) Huge capital investment
d) Scientific method of cultivation
e) Cheap and large skilled labour supply
f) Monoculture
g) It is a link between agriculture and industry
h) They are provided with well-developed transportation facilities where raw material provided by them is processed.
Important plantation crops:
a) The French established cocoa and coffee plantation in West Africa.
b) The British setup:
- Large tea gardens in India and Sri Lanka
- Rubber plantation in Malaysia
- Sugarcane and banana plantations in West Indies
c) Spanish and Americans invested heavily in coconut and sugar cane plantations in the Philippines.
d) The Dutch once had monopoly over sugar cane plantation in Indonesia.
e) Some coffee ‘Fazendas’, (large plantations) in Brazil, are still managed by Europeans.
Question Bank:
Very short answer type questions:
- Which was the first activity carried out by human beings?
Ans. Hunting and gathering are the oldest activities carried out by human beings.
- Define dairy farming.
Ans. Dairy farming is the most advanced and efficient type of rearing of milk animals.
- Who are the red collar workers?
Ans. People engaged in primary activities are called red collar workers due to the outdoor nature of their work.
- Define the term nomadic herding.
Ans. Nomadic herding is a primitive subsistence activity in which the herders rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport.
- Name the areas where commercial livestock rearing is practiced.
Ans. The areas where commercial livestock rearing is practiced are New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Uruguay and United States of America.
- Define subsistence agriculture.
Ans. Subsistence agriculture is the agriculture in which the producers consume most of the products grown. The output is generally for consumption by farmer and his family.
- What is the plantation crop of Brazil? What is the name given to the plantation farms in Brazil?
Ans. The plantation crop of Brazil is coffee and the farms are called fazendas.
- State viticulture.
Ans. Viticulture is grape cultivation which is specialty of Mediterranean region.
- Outline truck farming.
Ans. It is the type of farming where farmers specialise in and grow vegetables. Only the distance of truck farms from the market is governed by the distance a truck can cover overnight.
- Term factory farming.
Ans. Factory farming is a modern development in the industrial regions of Western Europe. Where live stocks, especially poultry and cattle, rearing is done in stalls and pens and fed on manufactured feed stuff and carefully supervised against diseases.
- Which country first introduced collective farming?
Ans. Erstwhile Soviet Union under the socialist regime first introduced collective farming.
- What are the other names of primitive subsistence agriculture?
Ans. Shifting cultivation, jhuming in states of Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland, Pamlou in Manipur, Dipa in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh and slash and burn in Mexico and Central America, Conuco in Venezuela, Roca in Brazil, Masole in Central Africa, Ladang in Indonesia, Ray in Vietnam are the other names of primitive subsistence agriculture.
- Why do the products from gathering activities cannot compete in the world market?
Ans. Products of these activities cannot compete in the world market as:
a) Synthetic products of better quality and lower prices have replaced many items supplied by gatherers in the tropical forests that are unable to face competition.
b) As it is of low technology subsistence activity, not much surplus production is there.
- Which are the two types of intensive subsistence agriculture?
Ans. Two types of intensive subsistence agriculture are:
a) Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation
b) Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by crops other than paddy
- Name any two areas of high latitudes in the world where gathering economic activity is practiced.
Ans. Canada and north Eurasia are areas of high latitudes in the world where gathering economic activity is practiced.
- Name the type of agriculture where the farming areas consume all or nearly so of the products locally grown.
Ans. Subsistence agriculture is one in which the farming areas consume all or nearly so of the products grown.
- Name the two activities on which the earliest human beings depend for their subsistence.
Ans. Two activities on which the earliest human beings were dependent for their subsistence are hunting and gathering.
- Why has gathering little chance of becoming important at the global level? Give reason.
Ans. Products of gathering and gathering activity cannot compete in the world market as synthetic products are of better quality available in large quantities and are lower priced.
- Which factors affect the profitability of mining?
Ans. Profitability of mining depends on:
a) Physical factors
b) Economic Factors
- Name the countries where cooperative farming is successful.
Ans. Cooperative farming has been very successful in Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Italy.
- Define mining.
Ans. Mining is a primary activity which involves the extraction of minerals from surface or beneath the surface of the Earth’s crust for further processing.
Short answer type questions:
- Explain features of underground mining.
Explain features of underground mining method used in different countries of the world.
Main features of underground mining are:
a) In this method, vertical shafts have to be sunk from where underground gallery is radiated to reach the minerals.
b) Minerals are extracted and transported to the surface through the passages.
c) It requires specially designed lifts, drills, haulage vehicles ventilation system for safety and efficient movement of people and material.
- What is the importance of dairy farming? Why it is mainly practiced near urban and industrial centres of the world? Give reasons.
a) Dairy farming is capital intensive.
b) It is the most developed form of keeping milk animals.
c) It provides milk, butter, cheese, etc.
d) It is practised near the markets, urban areas and industrial centres because there is demand for fresh milk and dairy product.
e) The development in refrigeration, pasteurization and other processes has helped in its development.
- What factors affect the choice of animals in different regions of nomadic herding?
Ans. People living in different climatic conditions domesticate animals found in those regions. They move from one place to another along with their livestock, depending upon the amount and quality of water and pasture.
- Define nomadic herding or pastoral nomadism.
Ans. It is a primitive subsistence activity in which the herders rely on their animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport. They move from one place to another along with their livestock, depending upon the amount and quality of water and pasture.
- Why is the number of pastoral nomads decreasing?
Ans. Numbers of pastoral nomads have been decreasing and the areas under them are shrinking because of:
a) Imposition of political boundaries
b) New settlement plants by different countries
- What is shifting agriculture known as in the following regions?
a) Central America and Mexico
b) Indonesia and Malaysia
c) North East India Slash and burn
d) Venezuela
e) Brazil
f) Central America
a) | Central America and Mexico Milpa |
b) | Indonesia and Malaysia Ladang |
c) | North East India Jhumming |
d) | Venezuela Conuco |
e) | Brazil Roca |
f) | Central America Masole |
- Give the major plantation crops of the following countries.
a) Sri Lanka
b) West Indies
c) Malaysia
d) Philippines
a) | Sri Lanka Tea |
b) | West Indies Sugarcane and Banana |
c) | Malaysia Rubber |
d) | Philippines Coconut and Sugarcane |
- Define primary activity.
Ans. All the economic activities which are directly dependent on nature are primary activities. They refer to the utilization of Earth’s resources such as land, water, vegetation, building materials and minerals etc. It includes hunting, gathering, pastoralism, fishing, lumbering, forestry, agriculture and mining.
- List the different uses of minerals in ancient time.
a) The discovery of minerals in the history of human development is reflected in many stages in terms of Copper Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
b) The use of minerals in ancient times was largely confined to the making of tools, utensils and weapons.
c) The actual development of mining began with the Industrial Revolution, and its importance is continuously increasing.
- Describe the factors that affect mining activities.
Ans. The probability of mining operations depends on two main factors:
a) Physical factors include the size, grade, and the mode of occurrence of the deposits.
b) Economic factors such as the demand for the mineral technology available and used capital to develop infrastructure and the labour and transport cost.
- What do you mean by economic activities?
Ans. Human activities which generate income are known as economic activities. Economic activities are broadly grouped into four categories:
a) Primary activities
b) Secondary activities
c) Tertiary activities
d) Quaternary and Quinary activities.
- Commercial livestock rearing is a specialised activity. Substantiate.
Ans. Commercial livestock rearing is a specialised activity because under this only one type of animal is reared. Important animals include sheep, cattle, goats and horses. The products obtained by these animals, like meat, skin and wool hides are processed and packed scientifically to be exported to world markets.
- What do you mean by extensive commercial grain agriculture?
Ans. In this type of farming, wheat is the principal crop and the size of farm is vast and entire operations of cultivation from ploughing to harvesting is highly mechanised.
- Why is dairy farming practised mainly near urban and industrial centres?
Ans. Fresh milk and dairy products produced in the dairy farming are easily sold in the neighbourhood urban market. Dairy products are perishable commodities; therefore they have to be sold at the earliest. Urban centres are large market for the dairy products.
- What do you mean by cooperative farming?
Ans. Cooperative farming is done under cooperative society formed by a group of farmers. Under this, all farmers of the society pool in their resources voluntarily resulting in efficient and profitable farming. Individual farms remain intact and farming is a matter of cooperative initiative.
- List the areas where gathering is practiced.
Ans. Gathering is practiced in regions with harsh climatic conditions.
Generally, primitive societies who extract plant and animal products to satisfy their need for food, shelter and clothing practice gathering.
It is practiced in high latitude zones of northern Canada, northern Eurasia and southern Chile. Low latitude zone of Amazon basin, Tropical Africa, northern fringe of Australia, interior parts of South East Asia.
- List different animals kept in different regions as far as nomadic herding are concerned.
Ans. A wide variety of animals are kept in different regions. In tropical Africa cattle are the most important livestock, while in Sahara and Asiatic deserts sheep, goats and camel are reared, in the mountainous areas of Tibet and Andes, yak and lamas and in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic areas reindeer are the most important animals.
- Which regions are associated with pastoral nomadism?
Ans. Pastoral nomadism is associated with three important regions. The core region extends from the Atlantic shores of North Africa eastwards across the Arabian Peninsula into Mongolia and central China. The second region extends over the tundra region of Eurasia. In the Southern Hemisphere there are small areas in South West Africa and on the island of Madagascar.
- What is transhumance?
Ans. Pastoral nomadism is undertaken either over vast horizontal distances or vertically from one elevation to another in the mountainous regions. In mountain regions such as Himalayas, Gujjars, Bakarwals, Gaddis and Bhutias migrate from plains to the mountains in summers and to the plains from the high altitude pasture in winter. Similarly, in the tundra regions, the nomadic herders move from south to north in summers and from north to south in winters.
- Give characteristics of dairy farming practiced in the world.
Ans. Characteristics of dairy farming practiced in the world are:
a) It is highly capital intensive.
b) Special emphasis is laid down on cattle breeding, healthcare and veterinary services.
c) It is highly labour intensive farming.
d) It involves rigorous care in feeding and milching.
e) It is practiced mainly near urban and industrial centres.
- Explain characteristics of dairy farming.
Ans. Characteristics of dairy farming are:
a) It is highly capital intensive.
b) Animal sheds, storage facilities for fodder, feeding and milching machines add to the cost of dairy farming.
c) Special emphasis is laid on cattle breeding, healthcare and veterinary services. Rigorous care is taken in feeding and milching.
d) There is no off season during the year as in case of cropping.
- Describe the way of life of nomadic herders in the world.
Ans. Way of life of nomadic herders:
a) They depend on primitive subsistence activity.
b) Herders rely on animals for clothing, shelter, tool and transport.
c) They move from one place to another with their lives stock.
d) They follow well defined territory.
e) A wide variety of animals is kept in different regions.
f) Nomadism is associated with different regions.
g) In mountainous regions, they practice transhumance.
h) Their numbers are decreasing due to change in lifestyle.
- Describe the main features of extensive commercial grain cultivation.
Ans. Important features of extensive commercial grain agriculture are:
a) It is practiced in the interior parts of semiarid lands of the mid latitude.
b) Wheat is the principal crop. The other crops like corn barley, oats and rye are also grown.
c) The size of the farm is very large, therefore all the operations from ploughing to harvesting are mechanised.
d) Yield per hectare is low, but yield per person is high because less people and more mechanical machines are used.
e) It is best developed in Eurasian steppes, the Canadian and American prairies, the Pampas of Argentina, the veldts of South Africa, the Australian dawns, and the Canterbury plains of New Zealand.
- Describe the main features of market gardening and horticulture.
Describe market gardening and horticulture.
Ans. The main features of horticulture and market gardening are:
a) It specialises in the cultivation of high value crops such as vegetables, fruits and flowers. Crops are cultivated exclusively for the urban markets.
b) Farms are small and are located near urban market.
c) It is both labour and capital intensive.
d) It lays emphasis on the use of irrigation, HYV seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, greenhouses and artificial heating in colder regions.
e) This type of agriculture is well developed in densely populated industrial areas of Europe, North East USA and the Mediterranean regions.
- What do you mean by subsistence agriculture? Explain its types.
Ans. Subsistence agriculture is one in which the farming areas consume all the products that are locally grown. Its types are:
a) Primitive subsistence agriculture: It is also called shifting cultivation. Under this vegetation is cleared and burned later this land is used for cultivation. The ash adds to the fertility of soil and hence it is also called slash and burn agriculture.
b) Intensive subsistence agriculture: Under this type of farming, land holdings are very small and farmers work with the help of family labour, leading to intensive use of land with limited use of machinery.
Long answer type questions:
- What is intensive subsistence agriculture? What are its types?
Ans. Intensive subsistence agriculture is practiced in the poorer regions of the world where farmers grow crops for family consumption. Very little is left as surplus for market. There are two types of intensive subsistence agriculture:
Intensive subsistence dominated by wet paddy cultivation: It is characterised by dominance of the rice crop. Land holdings are very small due to the high density of population. Farmers work with the help of family labour, leading to intensive use of land. Use of machinery is limited and most of the agricultural operations are done by manual labour. Farm yard manure is used to maintain the fertility of the soil. In this type of agriculture, the yield per unit area is high, but per labour productivity is low.
Intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by crops other than paddy: Due to the difference in relief, climate, soil and some of the other geographical factors, it is not practical to grow paddy in many parts of monsoon Asia. Wheat, soybean, barley, sorghum are grown in northern China, Manchuria, North Korea and North Japan. In India, wheat is grown in western parts of Indo Gangetic plains and millets are grown in dry parts of western and south western India. Most of the characteristics of this type of agriculture are similar to those dominated by wet paddy, except that irrigation is often used.
- Write a note on Mediterranean agriculture from the point of view of its importance, areas and crops grown.
a) Mediterranean agriculture is highly specialised commercial agriculture.
b) It is practised in the countries on either side of the Mediterranean Sea. In Europe and in North Africa, from Tunisia to Atlantic Coast, southern California, central Chile, south western part of South Africa and south and south western part of Australia.
c) It is an important supplier of citrus fruits.
d) Viticulture or grape cultivation is a specialty of the Mediterranean region.
e) Best quality wines in the world with distinctive flavours are produced from high quality grapes in various countries of this region. The inferior grapes are dried into raisins and currents.
f) This region also produces olives and figs.
g) The advantage of Mediterranean agriculture is that more valuable crops such as fruits and vegetables are grown in winters when there is great demand in European and North American markets.
- Define commercial livestock rearing.
a) Commercial livestock rearing is organised and capital intensive.
b) The ranches on which it is practiced are permanent and cover large area which is further divided into fenced parcels to regulate grazing.
c) When one parcel is grazed, the animals are shifted to another parcel and the number of animals in a parcel is kept according to the carrying capacity of the parcel. Only one type of animal like sheep, cattle, goat and horses is reared.
d) Their products, like milk, wool and hide, are processed and packed scientifically and then exported to world markets.
e) The main emphasis is here on breeding, healthcare, diseases control and genetic improvement of the animal.
f) This is totally market and profit oriented.
g) The developed countries like New Zealand, Australia, USA practice commercial livestock rearing.
- Describe four different types of economic activities.
Ans. Economic activities are broadly grouped as primary activities, secondary activities, tertiary activities and quaternary activities:
a) Primary activities: It refers to extraction and utilisation of raw materials from the earth surface. These include hunting, gathering, pastoralism, fishing, forestry, mining, agriculture etc.
b) Secondary activities: It includes industries that transform raw material into finished goods having higher value. Eg – manufacturing cotton textile from raw cotton and iron and steel from iron ore etc.
c) Tertiary activities: It includes all kinds of services provided for the people such as education, health, trade and transport.
d) Quaternary activities: It represents special kind of services which is related to highly intellectual activities. Eg. Research and development (R&D) services, information generation, information processing and transmission.
- In modern times, some gathering is market oriented and has become commercial. Explain.
Narrate the changes in gathering as an activity in today’s scenario.
Ans. It is absolutely right to say today some gathering has become market oriented and has become commercial. Gatherers collect valuable plants and after simple processing, sell these in the market. They use different parts of the plants. Eg – they use:
a) Bark of the tree for making quinine, tannin extract and cork.
b) Leaves are used to produce beverages, drugs, cosmetics, fibres, thatch and fabrics.
c) Nuts are used for food and oils.
d) Tree trunk provides rubber balata gums and resins.
- Write a short note on market gardening.
Ans. In market gardening, high value crops such as vegetables fruits and flowers are cultivated solely for the urban areas. Under this, the size of farms is small and they are located where there are good transportation links with the urban centres where high income consumers are located. It is both labour and capital intensive and lays emphasis on the use of irrigation, HYV seeds fertilizers, insecticides, greenhouses and artificial heating in colder regions.
This type of agriculture is well developed in densely populated industrial districts of North West Europe, north-eastern United States of America and Mediterranean regions.
The Netherlands specialises in flowers and horticulture crops, especially tulips, which are exported all over Europe. The regions where farmers specialise in vegetables only are called truck farming.
- What do you mean by kolkoz? How did it begin? Explain its features.
Ans. Kolkoz is the name for collective farming in Soviet Union. It was introduced in erstwhile Soviet Union to improve upon the inefficiency of previous methods of agriculture and to boost agriculture production for self-sufficiency. Its features are:
a) This type of farming is based on social ownership of the means of production and collective labour.
b) The farmers pool in all their resources like land, livestock and labour.
c) Yearly targets are set by the government and the produce is also sold to the state at fixed prices.
d) Members are paid according to the nature of the work allotted to them by the farm management.
- ‘There is low yield per acre, but high yield per person’. In which type of agriculture is this evident? Why? Where is this type of agriculture practiced?
a) This feature is characterised by extensive commercial grain cultivation. Since it is extensive and at very large scale. So use of mechanical devices, irrigation, sprinklers, tractors and low flying aircrafts is common.
b) In the areas practicing commercial grain cultivation, the areas of production are high as the farming is intensive, but due to the low population and high degree of mechanization. The number of people employed in these farms is less. Due to high level of scientific and technological skills employed in the production activities, the total yield per person is high. But due to extensive nature of farming and low pressure per unit area of land yield per acre is low.
c) These are found in the developed countries of the world, like in the Eurasian steppes, the Canadian American Prairies, the Pampas of Argentina, the Veldts of South Africa, the Australian Dawns and the Canterbury planes of New Zealand.
- Give characteristics of pastoral nomadism in the world.
Ans. Characteristics of nomadic herding in the world are:
a) Nomadic herding or pastoral nomadism is a primitive subsistence activity.
b) In this activity, the herders rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport.
c) The nomadic herders move from one place to another along with their livestock, depending on the amount and quality of pasture and water.
d) Each nomadic community occupies a well identified territory as a matter of tradition.
e) Wide variety of animals is kept in different regions. For example, in tropical Africa, cattle are the most important livestock. While in Sahara and Asiatic deserts, sheep, goats and camel are reared.
f) In the mountainous areas, the herders follow transhumance, that is, seasonal migration of herders with their animals.
- What is the meaning of market gardening and horticulture? Describe characteristics of this type of agriculture in the world.
Ans. Market gardening and horticulture specialise in the cultivation of high value crops such as vegetables, fruits and flowers solely for the urban markets. Characteristics of these types of agriculture are:
a) Farms are located where there is good transportation link with the urban centre where high income group of consumers are located.
b) It is both labour and capital intensive.
c) It lays emphasis on the use of irrigation, HYV seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, greenhouses and artificial heating in colder regions.
d) This type of agriculture is well developed in densely populated industrial districts of North West Europe, North Eastern United States of America and the Mediterranean regions.
- What is subsistence agriculture? Mention characteristics of primitive subsistence agriculture.
Ans. Subsistence agriculture is farming where produce is mainly consumed by the farmer’s household. Characteristic of primitive subsistence agriculture are:
a) Primitive subsistence agriculture, or shifting cultivation, is widely practiced by many tribes in the tropics, especially in Africa, South and Central America, and Southeast Asia.
b) The vegetation is usually cleared by fire and the ashes add to the fertility of the soil.
c) The cultivating patches are very small and cultivation is done with very primitive tools such as sticks and hoes.
d) After some time (i.e., 3 to 5 years) the land loses its fertility and the farmer shifts to another part and clear other patch of the forest for cultivation.
- Explain any three characteristics of hunting and gathering. Give reasons why gathering has little chance to become important at global level.
Ans. The characteristics of hunting and gathering are:
a) It involves primitive societies who extract both plants and animals to satisfy their needs for food, shelter and clothing.
b) This type of activity requires a small amount of capital investment and operates at very low level of technology.
c) The yield per person is very low and little or no surplus is produced.
a) Its products cannot compete in the world market.
b) Synthetic products, often of better quality and at lower prices, have replaced such many items.
13. What is the status of mining in the developed and developing economies of the world?
a) Mining is primarily extraction of minerals from the earth’s crust for further processing in industrial and other uses.
b) It involves more of manual labour and is hazardous, so the developed economies are retreating from mining, processing and refining stages of production due to high labour cost while the developing countries with large labour force are striving for higher standard of living and becoming more important.
c) Several countries of Africa and few of South America and Asia have over 50% of the earnings from the minerals alone.
- Dairy farming is a modern occupation. Explain.
Ans. It is absolutely right to say that dairy farming is a modern occupation:
a) It is a type of agriculture in which major emphasis is on breeding and rearing milch cattle.
b) It is highly capital intensive.
c) Large investments are made on animal sheds, storage facilities for fodder, feeding and milching.
d) Special emphasis is laid on cattle breeding, healthcare and veterinary services.
e) It is highly labour intensive as it involves conscientious care in feeding and milching.
f) There is no offseason during the year.
g) It is practiced mainly near urban and industrial market.
h) Dairy farming development depends on transportation, refrigeration, pasteurization, and other preservation processes.
- Distinguish between the types of farming based on organization.
Cooperative Farming | Collective Farming |
a) Group of farmers form a cooperative society by pooling in their resources voluntarily for more efficient and profitable farming. b) Individual farms remain intact and farming as a matter of cooperative initiative. c) Cooperative societies help farmers to procure all important inputs of farming.
d) Sell the products at the most favourable terms and help in processing of quality products at cheaper rate. e) It has been successful in many Western European countries like Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy etc.
| a) The basic principle behind this type of farming is based on social ownership of the means of production and collective labour. b) The farmers pool in all their resources like land, livestock and labour.
c) Yearly targets are set by the government and the produce is also sold to the state at fixed prices. d) Produced in excess of the fixed amount, is distributed among the members or sold in the market. e) This type of farming was introduced in erstwhile Soviet Union under the socialist regime, which was adopted by the socialist countries after its collapse. These have already been modified. |
- Compare mixed farming and dairy farming.
Mixed Farming | Dairy Farming |
a) Mix farms are moderate in size and grow mainly wheat, barley, oat, rye, fodder crops in rotation or intercropping is practiced to maintain soil fertility. b) It is high capital intensive and high investment is there on farm machinery, building, fertilizer, manure and skill of the farmers.
c) Animals like cattle, sheep and poultry provide main income along with crops.
d) Equal emphasis is there on crop cultivation and animal husbandry.
e) Practiced in highly developed parts of the world i.e., North Western Europe, East and North America, parts of Eurasia and temperate latitudes of southern continents.
| a) Dairy farming is most advanced and efficient type of rearing milch animals.
b) It is labour intensive as it requires intensive care in feeding and milching. Animal sheds, storage facilities for fodder feeding and milching machines are the areas of heaviest expenditures. c) It is an activity requiring year round labour as there is no off season like in the cropping activities. d) Special emphasis is laid on cattle breeding, healthcare and veterinary services. e) Practiced near urban and industrial centres for easy access to dairy market. The main regions of commercial dairy farming are North Western Europe Canada, South East Australia and New Zealand. |
- Differentiate between nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing.
Nomadic Herding | Commercial Livestock Rearing |
a) Nomadic herding is a primitive subsistence activity. b) Nomads rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport. c) Nomadic herders move from one place to another along with their livestock. In nomadism, a wide variety of animals are kept in different regions. d) As total nomadism is undertaken either over vast horizontal distances or vertical in the mountain regions. e) The quality of livestock is very poor in nomadic herding, and production is also very poor. | a) Commercial livestock rearing is organised and capital intensive activity. b) Whereas commercial livestock rearing is associated with Western culture. c) Commercial livestock is practiced on permanent ranches where cattle are reared permanently.
d) On the other hand, commercial livestock rearing is a specialised activity in which only one type of animal is reared. e) Rearing of animals in ranching is organised scientifically. The quality of cattle and productivity both are very high.