- Human Geography, Nature and Scope
NCERT questions:
1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following statements does not describe geography?
a) An integrative discipline.
b) Study of the inter relationship between humans and environment.
c) Subjected to dualism?
d) Not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.
Ans. d) Not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology.
- Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information?
a) Travellers accounts.
b) Old maps.
c) Samples of rock materials from the moon.
d) Ancient epics.
Ans. d) Ancient epics
- Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between people and environment?
a) Human intelligence
b) People’s perception
c) Technology
d) Human brotherhood
Ans. c) Technology
- Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography?
a) Aerial differentiation.
b) Special organization.
c) Quantitative Revolution.
d) Exploration and description.
Ans. c) Quantitative Revolution.
- Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Define human geography.
a) Human geography is defined as the relationship between the physical natural and human worlds, the special distribution of human phenomena and how they come about, the social and economic difference between different parts of the world.
b) According to Ratzel ‘Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and earth surface’.
c) According to Allen C Semple ‘Human geography is the study of the changing relationships between the un-resting man and unstable earth’.
(ii) Name some fields of human geography.
Ans. Some fields of human geography are:
Behavioural geography: Geography of Social Wellbeing of leisure, culture geography, gender, geography, historical geography, medical geography, electoral geography, military geography, Geography of Agriculture, Geography of Industries, Geography of Marketing, Geography of Tourism, and Geography of International Trade.
(iii) How is human geography related to the other social sciences?
Ans. Human geography attempts to explain the relationship between all elements of human life and the space they occur over. Thus human geography assumes a highly interdisciplinary nature. It develops close interface with sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements. On the surface of the Earth with the expansion of knowledge new fields emerge, and it has further expanded realm of human geography. Eg: within social geography there are following sub fields with the interface with sister disciplines of social sciences.
Fields of Human Geography | Subfields | Interface with sister disciplines of Social Sciences |
Social Geography | Social Sciences – Sociology | |
Behavioural Geography | Psychology | |
Geography of Social Wellbeing | Welfare Economics | |
Geography of Leisure | Sociology | |
Cultural Geography | Anthropology | |
Geography of Gender | Sociology, Anthropology, women’s studies | |
Historical geography | History | |
Medical geography | Epidemiology | |
Urban Geography | Urban studies and planning | |
Political Geography | Political Science | |
Electoral Geography | Psephology | |
Military Geography | Military Science | |
Population, Geography | Demography | |
Settlement Geography | Urban/Rural Planning | |
Economic geography | Economics | |
Geography of Resources | Resource Economics | |
Geography of Agriculture | Agriculture Science | |
Geography Industries | Industrial Economics | |
Geography of Marketing | Business Studies, Economics, Commerce | |
Geography of International Trade | Tourism and Travel Management | |
Geography of Tourism | International Trade |
- Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Explain naturalization of humans.
a) Human beings interact with their physical and social environment with help of technology.
b) It is not important what human beings produce and create, but it is extremely important with the help of what tools and techniques do they produce and create.
c) Technology indicates the level of social and cultural development of society.
d) In the early stages of their interaction with environment, human beings interacted with environment with help of primitive technology. Hence nature played a dominant role over humans.
e) Human beings were greatly influenced by nature and adapted to its dictates. This type of interaction with human society was a primitive stage of development and hence adapted itself as per the nature is called naturalization of humans, also known as environmental determinism.
f) This is the stage of naturalised humans. Humans listen to nature, are afraid of nature’s fury and worship it. All the actions of human beings are guided by the nature, especially by climate, wild animals and availability of water and edible plants. At this stage, due to lack of technology advancement and understanding of nature, human beings were not able to loosen the shackles of nature and hence followed it.
g) Example: Tribes depend on the edible plants and their parts they get from nature. Some of the hunters hunt wild animals with the help of primitive tools. They use medicine out of the natural plants available. There religious practices involve worshipping trees, forces of nature, wild groves, etc.
(ii) Write a note on the scope of human geography.
a) Geography as a field of study is integrative, empirical and practical. Thus the reach of geography is extensive and each and every phenomenon that varies over space and time can be studied geographically.
b) Human geography is studied as the relationship between the physical, natural and the human world. The spatial distribution of human phenomenon and how they come about and the social and economic difference between different parts of the world.
c) The core concern of geography as a discipline is to understand the earth as home of human beings and to study all those elements that have sustained them.
d) Human geography covers a very wide range of fields. It not only studies presence of human phenomena but also relationship of human and physical world, the pattern and distribution of human processes including both social and economic.
e) It makes a study of geography more relevant as it tries to relate the physical and manmade world with full casual understanding, hence make it more applicable to our daily lives.
f) It not only helps us to understand various problems, their causes and effects, but also helps us in finding a suitable solution for them.
g) In the present scenario, with increasing discord between human beings and nature resulting in the environmental destruction, human geography becomes all the more relevant as it explains the relationship between human and nature and thus assumes highly important role in helping to bring back the environmental symphony and hence saving our planet.
Extra Questions:
Human Geography Nature and Scope
Determinism | Possibilism | Neo Determinism |
· Worship nature · Nature control human action · Human is Passive · Nature is active · Human adapted according to nature Eg: tribes, nomads | · Human were free · Nature got humanized · Human active and nature passive · Nature provided opportunities to human · Possibilities are everywhere · Technology is dominant Eg: TV, refrigerator, roads, bridges, railways etc. | · Introduced by Griffith Taylor · Stop and go · Neither absolute necessity nor freedom · Scope but limited · Conquer by obeying · Making balance between nature and technology · Nullifying ‘either’ or ‘dualism’ dichotomy. |
Multiple choice questions:
- Who among the following introduced the concept of neo-determinism?
a) Ratzel
b) Griffith Taylor
c) Ellen Churchill Semple
d) Von Humboldt
Ans. b) Griffith Taylor
- Which one of the following is the sub field of social geography:
a) Behavioural geography
b) Electoral geography
c) Geography of tourism
d) Geography of resources
Ans. a) Behavioural geography
Very short answer type questions:
- How does geography enquire about ‘objects’?
Ans. Geographers wish to find answer to the questions like ‘where’ ‘what’ and ‘why’.
- Who coined the term geography and when?
Ans. Eratosthenes introduced the word ‘Geography’ about 2,200 years ago meaning description of Earth.
- Which agricultural crops became known after discovery of the new world?
Ans. Corn (maze), tobacco, potato and cocoa became known after discovery of the new world.
- When was human geography born as a special branch of general geography?
Ans. In the first half of the 19th century, in the process of emergence of geomorphology human geography was born as a special branch of general geography.
- Name the American geographers who explained the influence of climate on the history of man.
Ans. Ellsworth Huntington explained the influence of climate on the history of man.
- Which three interrelated fields are studied in human geography?
Ans. The three fields studied in human geography are:
a) Special analysis
b) Interaction between man and environment
c) Regional synthesis
- State the three chief schools of thought of human geography.
Ans. The three chief schools of thought of human geography are:
a) Determinism or environmentalism
b) Possibilism
c) Neo determinism
- Name the schools of thought that emerged in the field of human geography after Second World War.
Ans. The schools of thought that emerged in the field of human geography after II – World War were:
a) Radical school
b) Behavioral approach
c) Welfare approach and humanism
- Evaluate the concept introduced by Griffith Taylor.
Ans. Griffith Taylor introduced the concept of neo determinism, or ‘Stop and Go’ determinism. His concept reflects the middle path between environmental determinism and possibilism.
- What is the core concern of studying geography?
Ans. The core concern of studying geography as a discipline is to understand the earth as a home of human beings and to study all those elements which have sustained them.
- Name the geographers who advocated environmental determinism.
Ans. German expert Frederick Ratzel and his student Miss Ellen Churchill Semple advocated environmental determinism.
- Who was the founder of possibilism?
Ans. French expert Lucian Febvre and Paul Vidal de la Blache are considered as founders of possibilism.
- Who was Griffith Taylor?
Ans. Griffith Taylor was the founder of Neo determinism, or ‘Stop and Go’ determinism.
- What does technology indicate?
Ans. Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society.
- What are different fields of human geography?
Ans. Fields under human geography includes.
a) Social geography
b) Urban geography
c) Political geography
d) Population geography
e) Settlement geography
f) Economic geography
- What are the subfields of economic geography?
Ans. Sub fields of economic geography are:
a) Geography of resources
b) Geography of agriculture
c) Geography of tourism
d) Geography of industries
e) Geography of marketing
f) Geography of international trade
- What are the subfields of social geography?
Ans. Subfields of social geography are:
a) Geography of social well being
b) Behavioral geography
c) Geography of laser
d) Cultural geography
e) Gender Geography
f) Historical geography
g) Medical geography
- Define geography in the words of Friedrich Ratzel.
Ans. According to Frederick Ratzel, ‘Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and Earth’s surface’.
- Define geography in the words of Ellen Churchill Semple.
Ans. According to Ellen C. Semple ‘Human geography is the study of the changing relationship between the un-resting man and the unstable earth’.
- How did Paul Vidal de la Blache define geography?
Ans. According to Paul Vidal de la Blache, ‘Conception resulting from more synthetic knowledge of the physical laws governing our earth and of the relations between the living beings which inhibit it’. Human geography offers a new conception of the interrelationships between earth and human beings.
Short answer type questions:
- Define the important concept of neo determinism, according to Griffith Taylor.
The concept shows that neither is there a situation of absolute necessity, ‘environmental determinism’, nor is there a condition of absolute freedom, ‘possibilism’. It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. They have to respond to the red signals and can proceed in their pursuit of development when nature permits the modifications. It implies that possibilities can be created within such limits which do not damage the environment and there is no free run without accidents.
- What do you mean by dualism in geography?
Ans. The teaching and learning of geography has been a matter of debate among geographers. For example:
a) Weather geographical phenomena be theoretically interpreted or through historical institutional approach.
b) Weather the subject matter be organised and approach to study, and teaching geography should be regional or systematic.
c) Weather geography as a discipline should be a law making, theorising or descriptive.
- State some examples of metaphors used to describe the physical and human phenomenon.
Ans. Some examples of metaphors used to describe the physical and human phenomena are as follows:
Face of the Earth
Eye of the storm
Snout of the glacier
Neck of the isthmus
Profile of the soil
Mouth of the river
Regions, villages, towns have been described as organism
Networks of roads, railways and waterways are described as arteries of circulation.
- Make a list of elements that human beings have created through their activities on the stage provided by physical environment.
Ans. Man creates many elements through his activities on the stage provided by physical environment with the help of technology. Houses, villages, cities, farms, ports, items of our daily use and all other elements of material cultural have been created by man using the resources provided by physical environment.
For example: Health resorts on hill stations have been used as recreation places. Huge urban sprawls, fields, orchards and pastures in plains and rolling hills have added to the beauty too. Seaports on the coast routes in oceans and satellites in the space have enabled man to touch the heights. This was defined as ‘Possibilism’.
- There is no free run without accidents. Explain.
Ans. In this statement, the thought of possibilism in which man has taken environment as free run and mastered unlimited powers has been criticised because as a consequence of free run of developed economies, many problems are being faced today like greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming, receding glaciers, degrading lands, problem of pollution and incurable diseases.
- Explain the chief features of human geography becoming more integrative and interdisciplinary in the first half of 20th century
Ans. Human Geography and Physical geography are the two main branches of geography. Human geography studies the pattern of human activities. It may study the activities of an individual or groups during present times or in the past. It emphasises the study of relationships between physical, natural and cultural environment. It also includes a study of social groups and various cultural processes.
Long answer type questions:
- Physical environment has been greatly modified by humans. It has also in turn impacted human lives. Explain the statement.
Ans. Technology indicates the level of cultural development of a community. Man has developed technology using the laws of nature. For example:
a) Fire was discovered after knowing the laws of friction and heat.
b) After knowing the mysteries of DNA and genetics, man developed many medicines and conquered many diseases.
c) Law of aerodynamics helped us to develop faster planes.
For the development of technology, the knowledge of nature is essential. Man can control nature to some extent with the help of technology.
- Describe the development of human geography as a distinct field of study.
Ans. Human geography studies the inter relationship of physical development and socio-cultural environment. Socio culture environment is created by man by interacting with physical environment.
Elements of physical environment: Relief features mountains, plateaus, plains, soil, climate, water, natural vegetation, wildlife; minerals etc. all are elements of physical environment.
Elements of sociocultural environment: Houses, villages, cities, network of roads and railways, industries, agricultural areas, ports, commodities, etc. are all elements of socio cultural environment.
Man creates industries, roads houses cities by using resources of physical environment at the same time it also changes the physical environment.
- After the Second World War, there was tendency towards discussing solutions to human problems and challenges in human geography. Examine the statement.
Ans. After the Second World War, there was tendency towards discussing solutions to human problems and challenges in human geography. It developed in the following way:
a) Identification of peculiarity of any region was emphasised.
b) The efforts were made to understand how and why the region was different from others.
c) Use of computer and refined statistical methods were practiced.
d) Law of pure sciences were used for understanding human phenomena and mapping.
e) This stage was called quantitative revolution.
f) Its main aim was to identify a suitable pattern for mapping of various human activities.
g) This phase was called the quantitative revolution.
h) Rise of new branches favouring new thoughts made human geography more relevant to socio political reality.
i) For clarification of human conditions, the use of overall generalisations and universal principles were questioned.
j) Emphasis was laid on the importance of understanding of local context in their own perspectives.
- Differentiate between the following:
a) Determinism and possibilism
b) Welfare school of thought and Behavioural school of thought
c) Regional Geography and systematic geography
d) Physical environment and cultural environment
e) Nomothetic and idiographic
Determinism | Possibilism |
According to this thought, man is a slave of nature. There is direct dependence of human beings on nature for resources, and nature is taken as a powerful force. It is worshipped reward and concert. If man does not follow the dictates of nature, he has to bear the aftermaths. Kant, Humboldt, Ritter advocated the philosophy of determinism. | French geographers denied to accept determinism and considered man as master of his destiny. They claimed that man has the ability to change the nature completely with his willpower. It means that everything is possible for men and it is called possibilism. French expert Lucian Febvre and Paul Vidal de la Blache are considered as founder of possibilism. |
Welfare School of Thought | Behavioural School of Thought |
Welfare School of thought was mainly concerned with the different aspects of social wellbeing of the people. These include aspects such as housing, health and education. Geographers have developed welfare as a base to study geography. This thought was the result of rapid changes that happened after Second World War, because this war gave birth to too many human problems. Therefore, to solve these problems, welfare or humanistic thought was developed. | In 1950 – 60 on the basis of psychological researches through qualitative and other methods, many humanitarian aspects like human race, caste and religion developed. Behavioural school of thought laid great emphasis on life experience and the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race and religion etc.
Regional Geography | Systematic Geography |
Under this, all the geographical elements of a region are studied as one unit. And one region is considered a different unit from another region or differentiated from another region only on the basis of these geographical differences. We need to understand these regional differences in geographical context. | Under systematic geography special geographical elements of the earth are studied. Therefore, it is the individual study of a special geographical feature of a region. |
Physical Environment | Cultural Environment |
Physical environment includes all those elements which nature has made available as free gifts for human development. For example, land forms, soils, climate, water, natural flora and fauna, etc.
| It includes all those physical cultural elements which have been developed by man through his knowledge and technology. For example, houses, villages, towns, network of roads and railways, modes of transportation, industrial units, fields, hospitals, sports, complex, means of entertainment, markets, sports and goods of daily uses. |
Nomothetic | Idiographic |
Under this, the subject matter of geography is studied as pre fixed principles. Before study, aims and objectives are determined, than its laws are fixed. Attaining goals on the basis of these laws is the objective of a geographer. | Under this, the description of geographical elements is prepared and under this geographer tries to understand which of the natural and geographical factors have affected interaction of human activities and to what extent. |
- When and how did human geography begin? Explain.
Ans. Human geography may be said to have originated since man has started interacting with his environment. It has its roots deep in history. Therefore, the concerns of human geography have a long temporal continuum. The approaches to articulate them have changed overtime. This dynamism and changes in articulation is indicator of vibrant nature of the discipline.
In the beginning interaction between various societies was negligible. Therefore, knowledge about each other was also limited. Travellers and explorers used to gather information before a journey and navigational skills were underdeveloped. In late 15th century Europe witnessed attempts of explorations and the myths and mysteries about countries and people started to open up.
In the colonial period, these attempts increased with an objective of getting access to resources and to obtain inventories of information. Through all this, we get to know the sequential information about the development of human geography and to understand that the development of this discipline has been a steady process.
- Describe the field and sub fields of geography and it’s interrelationship with other fields.
Ans. Nature of human geography is interdisciplinary. In order to understand and describe the human elements found on the Earth. Human geography has established strong bond with other social sciences and their helping subjects. With the expansion of knowledge, new subjects keep on developing. These are studied with humanistic approach, but because they are not free from geographical and environmental effects, they become subject matter of human geography.
Fields under human geography include:
Fields of Human Geography | Subfields | Interface with sister disciplines of Social Sciences |
Social Geography | Social Sciences – Sociology | |
Behavioural Geography | Psychology | |
Geography of Social Wellbeing | Welfare Economics | |
Geography of Leisure | Sociology | |
Cultural Geography | Anthropology | |
Geography of Gender | Sociology, Anthropology, women’s studies | |
Historical geography | History | |
Medical geography | Epidemiology | |
Urban Geography | Urban studies and planning | |
Political Geography | Political Science | |
Electoral Geography | Psephology | |
Military Geography | Military Science | |
Population, Geography | Demography | |
Settlement Geography | Urban/Rural Planning | |
Economic geography | Economics | |
Geography of Resources | Resource Economics | |
Geography of Agriculture | Agriculture Science | |
Geography Industries | Industrial Economics | |
Geography of Marketing | Business Studies, Economics, Commerce | |
Geography of International Trade | Tourism and Travel Management | |
Geography of Tourism | International Trade |
As the scope of these disciplines is expanding, it is also leading to increase in the scope of human geography.
- How did man develop and expand proper technology?
Ans. Human beings were able to develop proper technology using his knowledge and information technology. Once it has taken man a long time to reach at the present level of technology in primitive age. When the level of technology was very low, man was bound to follow the dictates of nature. In those times, man was a slave of nature. Scared of its powerful force and used to worship nature to make it happy. In these conditions, the state of cultural development was also primitive.
However, the process was gradual, but man developed technology and it is also to be noted that man has been able to utilise this technology only after understanding the various laws of nature. For example, understanding laws of friction gave birth to too many inventions. Similarly, after understanding secrets of DNA and laws of genetics, man has overcome many diseases. In the similar way fast aeroplanes could be invented only after understanding the laws of aerodynamics. Today the level of technology is touching the heights through which man seems to get free from the natural forces. Earthquake cyclones, landslides, volcanoes and other natural disasters keep reminding that he is still a slave to nature.
It implies that man can’t be completely free from natural forces. But with the development of technology, man has become free from nature, and this freedom can be expanded further. Man needs to follow stop and go approach. Means possibilities can be created within the limits which do not damage the environment and there is no free run without accidents.
High order thinking skills
- Geography is a blend of social sciences and physical science. Do you agree? Justify the statement.
Ans. The basic aim of science and social science is to understand the reality of the nature. History helps in knowing the manmade activities. Physics helps to calculate the effect of climate on man. Economics helps to understand the effect of human activities on the development of the country. The geographical factors modified the course of history. The change in the climate has influenced on the occupation. All branches of physical geography have closed relation with natural sciences. Biogeography has closed link with zoology and botany. Mathematics and arts have also contributed to the development of geography to measure the area and dimensions of the Earth. Cartography and projections are based on mathematics. History of geographical thought is the mother of all branches of geography, sociology, political science. Economics provide the aspect of social reality. Population geography has close link with demography.
Questions from CBSE paper
- Which approach was followed by Lucian Febvre and Vidal de la Blache in the study of human geography? Mention 2 characteristics of this approach.
Ans. Possibilism was the approach followed by Lucian Febre and Vidal de la Blache in the study of human geography. It’s character is.
a) Humans create possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment.
b) Lifestyles of people were the product and reflection of civilizations.
- What is the new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of human geography? Describe this concept with examples.
Ans. The concept shows that neither there is a situation of absolute necessity, nor there is a condition of absolute freedom. Humans can conquer nature by obeying them. Possibilities can be created within the limits which do not damage the environment. The new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of human geography reflects a middle path between two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism which was named as dualism or stop and go determinism or neo determinism.
- Explain the concept of possibilism with suitable examples.
Ans. With the social and cultural development humans develop better and more efficient technology. The moment from state of necessity to a state of freedom, creating possibilities with the resources obtained from environment. For example nature provides opportunities, and human beings make use of these opportunities by creating their imprints everywhere. With the help of the law of aerodynamics we are able to fly faster planes.
- Explain the concept of new determinism.
Ans. Neo determinism reflects a middle path between two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism. It means that possibilities can be created within the limits which do not harm the environment. Humans can control nature by obeying them.
- Explain the concept of determinism with suitable examples.
Ans. In the beginning, humans are highly influenced by nature. They were afraid of its fury and worshiped nature. Societies were largely influenced by nature. Nature determines their attitudes, decisions and lifestyles. Humans were passive agents and nature dictates their lives as per determinism. Nature was considered as ‘Mother Nature’.
- Mention the subfields of economic geography.
Ans. The subfields of economic geography are:
a) Geography of resources
b) Geography of agriculture
c) Geography of international trade
d) Geography of industries
e) Geography of marketing
f) Geography of tourism
- How technology does lose the shackles of environment on human beings? Explain with examples.
Ans. Understanding the concept of friction and heat helped us discover fire.
The understanding of the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to conquer many diseases.
We used the law of aerodynamics to develop faster planes.
Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology.
Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society.
The human activities create a cultural landscape such as health resorts, pastures, ports, oceanic roots and satellites in the space.
- Mention the six fields of human geography.
Ans. The six fields of human geography are:
a) Urban geography
b) Political geography
c) Settlement geography
d) Economic geography
e) Social geography
f) Population geography
- Define human geography. Give four examples of elements of material culture created by humans using the resources provided by nature.
Ans. Human geography is a synthetic study of relationship between human societies and Earth’s surface. It is the study of changing relationship between the un-resting man and the unstable Earth.
Examples: houses, villages, cities, road network, rail network etc.
- Define human geography in your own words. Mention any four fields of human geography.
Ans. Human geography is the study of changing relationship between the un-resting man and the unstable earth.
Human geography is a synthetic study of relationship between human societies and earth’s surface.
Human geography offers new conception of the inter relationship between earth and the human beings.
Four fields of human geography are:
a) Social geography
b) Urban geography
c) Political geography
d) Population geography
- There is a mutual interaction between the elements of physical geography and human geography. Support the statement with suitable examples.
Ans. Human geography studies the interrelationship between the physical environment and socio cultural environment. Landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation, and diverse flora and fauna are the elements of physical geography. They affect houses, villages, cities, road, and rail networks. Industries, farms, ports etc. They are the parts of human geography. They are created by human beings using the natural resources. While physical environment has been greatly modified by human beings, it has also in turn impacted human lives.
- Explain with examples how nature gets humanised.
Ans. With social and cultural development humans develop better and more efficient technology. They create new possibilities with the environment. Nature provides opportunities and humans avail of these opportunities. It is called possibilism. Nature gives an opportunity and man sustains it. In this way, gradually humanization of nature takes place and imprints of human activities become visible. Example: Health Resorts on hill stations, huge urban sprawls, fields, orchards etc.
- The knowledge of nature is extremely important to develop technology. Support the statement by giving three examples.
- How is the knowledge of nature important to develop technology? Explain with suitable examples.
Ans. It is important to know with the help of what tools and techniques do humans produce and create. Technology indicates the level of educational development of society. Human beings were able to develop technology after they develop better understanding of natural laws.
The understanding of concept of friction and heat helped us discover fire.
Understanding the secrets of DNA and genetics enabled us to conquer many diseases.
The law of aerodynamics are used to develop faster planes.
Knowledge about nature is extremely important to develop technology. Technology loses the shackles of environment on human beings.
- What is the subject matter to study human geography? Explain any three facts.
Ans. The subject matter to study human geography is to establish relationship between the physical world and the human world.
a) To study the spatial distribution of human phenomena.
b) To study the social and economic differences between different parts of the world.
c) To understand the earth as home of human beings and to study all those elements that has sustained them to exist.
d) Nature and human are inseparable elements and should be seen holistically.
- The knowledge and understanding of the laws of nature are extremely valuable to human kind. Explain the values that help us to use the gifts of nature in a suitable manner.
Ans. The knowledge and understanding of the laws of nature are extremely valuable to human kind. Human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. Possibilities can be created within the limits which do not harm the balance of nature. The developmental steps which the developed countries have taken initially have resulted in greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming, receding glaciers and degrading lands. So it is imperative for us to use the natural resources in a judicious manner for sustainable development.
- The nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they cannot be separated. Substantiate the statement.
Ans. Nature and human are inseparable elements.
In the physical environment, man has created social and cultural environment through mutual interaction with each other. Hence, nature and human are intricately intertwined.
- Nature and humans are inseparable elements. Justify the statement with suitable examples.
Ans. Nature and human are inseparable. The earth is the home of mankind. It may be in different forms. All types of life supports are provided by nature. They directly depend on nature. Nature and humans are inseparable and should be seen holistically. Physical features are described in metaphors using symbols from the human anatomy. For example, face of the earth, nose of the glacier, eye of a storm, mouth of a river, neck of isthmus, profile of soil etc.
- Nature provides opportunities and humans make use of these and slowly nature gets humanised and starts bearing the imprints of human endeavour. Justify the statement.
Ans. Humanization of nature:
The people begin to understand their environment and the forces of nature with the passage of time.
With social and cultural development, humans develop better and more efficient technology.
Humans move from a state of necessity to a state of freedom.
They create possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment.
The human activities create cultural landscape.
The imprints of human activities are health resorts, huge urban sprawls, fields, orchids and pastures in plains and rolling hills ports on the coast and satellites in the space.
- The primitive communities lived in complete harmony with their natural environment and as such the humans were naturalised, support the statement.
Ans. The primitive communities lived in complete harmony with their natural environment.
a) It is realised that in all such cases, nature is a powerful force. Worshiped revered and conserved
b) There is direct dependence of human beings on nature for resources which sustain them.
c) The people begin to understand their environment and the forces of nature with the passage of time.
d) With social and cultural development, humans develop better and more efficient technology.
e) They move from a state of necessity to a state of freedom.
f) They create possibilities with the resources obtained from the environment.
g) They were afraid of the fury of nature.